Balgowlah Kickboxing Sparring day showed a great display from the Langes MMA guys.
Chad, Billy and I were there cornering the guys. Oliver Palin nearly lost because of nearly KO’ing his guy (You are not allowed to knock someone out in a match on a sparring day).
The 16 year old has power -Nice win Ollie! Erik Murray combined his techniques excellently with nice win.
Jean-Claude Sicart and Maxim Cherpovitsyn upped their performance from general class sparring to skilfully match their opponents.
James Strugnell had his first fight at 16 and I am sure he will be watching the video to work on his technique.
Adam Murray lost to his boss and had to go to work!
Tom Pinson foot lost to Jared’s knee in Thursday sparring.
See you all back at training!