Covid-19 Safety Plan Update

Langes MMA has an up to date COVID Safety Business Plan. We are a registered COVID Safe Business. We follow all the Government Guidelines and Recommendations. You can train with the knowledge that we’re doing everything to ensure your safety. Here are our updated...

No Need to book Classes

NO NEED TO BOOK CLASSES ANYMORE List of classes for this week. 20 June Saturday to next 27 June Saturday. After that back to the old timetable -check website. Saturday Ramp -10am Thai boxing – 11am Nogi Saturday Roof -10.15am Kids -11.15 am Teens- 12.15pm Bjj ...

Free Training for members

Here is the information for booking:   WE ARE BACK Classes are free for Members till 10 July 2020. There are restrictions and an online booking system is in place. If you would like to book in refer to links below in this post. There is a limit of 10 per...

Saturday 13th June Open.

Saturday starts back with Nick Pudney’s kick boxing at 10.00 am and at 11.00 am No Gi.  Anthony Lange will be upstairs at 10.15 am for the kids class. There will be a teens class at 11.15 am. BJJ for adults at 12 noon. A booking schedule will be posted next week...