Teen Belt Category
Green/Black Belt
Griffen Ankers
Luke Rodr
Green Belt
Tom Nicholson – Green III Stripe Â
Valentina Holland – Green IIII StripeÂ
Finn SharmanÂ
Jahzara Hood
Tristian Giral Â
Tate CoadyÂ
Alessandro LazicÂ

Rohan Lange
Josh Small
Hunter MayÂ
Zak DaviesÂ
Alessandro LazicÂ
Jake Clarke
Leon Flynn
Taj Kenton
Sacha CoadyÂ
Paul PhamÂ
Bodhi Hanson
Grace Gardener
Orange/Black Belt
Ashton QuilterÂ
Riley Mercorelli
Taylah-Lee Dehlsen
Aurora Giral
Taj SakovitsÂ
Gianluca Seminara
Rory Mercorelli
Orange Belt
 Emily Noonan – Orange III stripeÂ
Jared Edginton – Orange III stripe
Billy Docherty – Orange III stripeÂ
Robbie White – Orange III stripeÂ
Xavier Duvernet – Orange III stripeÂ
Avanyu McDowell- Orange II stripe
James Renton-Schmidt – Orange II Stripe
Aydin Er – Orange II StripeÂ
Hannah McDonald – Orange I stripe
Charles Studden
Clifford Wynne
Luke Scott
Thomas KelceyÂ
Luke SmallÂ
Joseph Press
Will Davies
Jack BrownÂ
Max Gargan
William O’Toole Â
Orange/White Belt
Zara Flynn – Orange White IIIIÂ
Max Williams – Orange White III
Xavier Cail-Cardon – Orange White III
Chloe Groves– Orange White III
Liam Flynn – Orange White II
Isabella Oliver
Harry Cook
Alex Danilovic
Alex Bush
Jade Alker Â
Roy TimbsÂ
Jethro HansonÂ
Alex Scott
Cody Rodr
Massimiliano SeminaraÂ
Henry Thomas Â
Jodie Gardner Â
Nic GomezÂ
Ethan Coetzee
Yellow/Black Belt
Leon Boylan
Kai Kenton
Beau Davies
Nico Clausen Wang
Noah Iwasaki
Kobe Dalli
Archie Sloane
Maxx Brown
Presley Harrower
Zach Osborn
Nia Ratchford
Hudson HaegeÂ
 Yellow Belt
Taikaro McDowell- Yellow IIII
Jessica Press – Yellow IIIIÂ
Leo Mason – Yellow IIIIÂ
Raphael Roques – Yellow III
Tommy Milcz – Yellow III
Raif Monika – Yellow III
Dash Duvernet – Yellow III
Eliott Ruiz – Yellow III
John Lucca – Yellow II
William Webster – Yellow II
Torin Easton – Yellow IIÂ
Sasha Gordon – Yellow IIÂ
Charlotte Clark – Yellow I
Oliver Rawsthorne – Yellow I
Finn Stewart – Yellow I
Luca Davis Yellow I
Liam Joyce – Yellow I
George Rosewarne – Yellow I
Finn Davies
Zac Evans
Vincent Ward
Lucca Davis
Ava Ruban
Eden Alker
Oscar Campbell
Wolfie Basey
Kaiden Starley
Lewis Henderson
Melina KelceyÂ
Darius Gillett
Ava BlakeÂ
Avah LanglandsÂ
Milly PrattÂ
Henry GoldsworthyÂ
Finn Morley
Leo OsborneÂ
Morgan Armstrong JonesÂ
Fraser BeebyÂ
Hudson SwanÂ
Caelan SlesserÂ
Sam WilkinÂ
Alex Wu
Hayden Wu
Zoe Hughes
Ruby Woolley
Thomas Baker
Oscar Hein  Â
Jarvis Folkard
Yellow/White Belt

Thomas Baker – Yellow White IIII
Eliott Ruiz – Yellow White III
Manoce Galli – Yellow White IIIÂ
Jarvis Folkard -Yellow White IIÂ
Cameron Oliver
Will Thackery
Nikola Konjalo
Grace Nairne
Ethan Phipps
Taj SetiawanÂ
Rocky NicholsonÂ
Alex WebsterÂ
Sam WilkinÂ
Fraser BeebyÂ
Rosie Pratt
Cameron Tran Niepelt
Baxter EdmundsÂ
Olly ObadÂ
Alex Wu
Hayden Wu
Caelan SlesserÂ
Hudson SwanÂ
Grey/Black Belt
Yannick MasonÂ
Grey Belt
Billy Brichta – Grey Belt IIIÂ
Mila Bailey – Grey Belt II
Thomas Press – Grey Belt II
Gabe Beothy – Grey Belt IIÂ
Ayla Harrower – Grey Belt IIÂ
Oscar Hein  – Grey Belt IIÂ
Fletcher Macgregor Grey Belt I
Danielle Flynn
Mitchell Winfrey
Mason Dodds
Olivia Dodds
Tia Harrison
Lachlan Rawsthorne
Riley Gilmore
Toby Thompson
Keira Cornish
Silvan Beothy
Gabriel Beothy
Silvan Beothy
Lila Clements
Jack Dayman
Jada Dalli
Ky Pratt
Archie Ware
Edward GillettÂ
Billy Hair
Hayden Brichta
Archer Malarkey
Leonardo Makhlouf
Alex Williams
Mitch Rohrick
Blaise Farkas
Zoe Hughes
Harrison Newton
Henry HigsonÂ
Luke Bauer
Vitali Fedoryshyn
Ben Polivka
Keira BarnesÂ
Grey/White Belt

Tate Coady – Grey White IIII
Amber Kelcey – Grey White IIII
Grace Timbs – Grey White III
Taylor Monika – Grey White III
Amelie Armstrong Jones – Grey White III
Koby Casey – Grey White II
Sasha Fontes – Grey White II
Jorl Adams – Grey White II
Miller Connor – Grey White II
Raffy Timperi – Grey White II
Saul Strickland – Grey White I
Jayden DeWitts
Anya Milcz
Jessie Boylan
Blake Thackery
Willow Edginton
Sam Hansen
Matt Hansen
Gabriel Curley
Joel Adams
Daniel Mi
Darcy Morello
Lilou Cooper
Ethan Phipps
An Duong
James Spencer
Darcy Dyer
Marissa Beeby
Rosie Gardiner
Elliot Ware
Tiana Adams
Charlie Silcock
Natalia Gonzalez
Flynn O’Brien
Elliot Makepeace
Josephine Goshe
Jackson Prude
James Hein
Ruby Rowley
Logan McEvoy
Claudia Strickland
Remy Duvernet
Ted Duvernet
Connor Slesser
Congratulations to everyone who graded up!Â
Results up to date as at 26th December 2019