How To Tell If Your BJJ Instructor is a Legit Black Belt

How To Tell If Your BJJ Instructor is a Legit Black Belt   One easy way is to see if he has ever been a competitor in any IBJJF comps or if he is even registered?  If not then he really is not a legitimately recognised international Black Belt.   Safe to say...

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Friday is Sparring day with Chad

Chad takes the fight training class @ 5.15pm - sparring and conditioning . A stack of new fighters prepping for there 1st fights.   Anthony Lange takes the wrestling and no Gi submission 6pm class. plenty of rounds. ready to rumble Fridays

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Open . 2015 Begins

Ok back to training. Full class schedule starts back Tuesday 6th Of January. Wishing everyone a great 2015

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Competition Dates for 2015

Comp Dates for 2015   January 25th Sunday  Initiator Crown” Events BJJ-- Ryde February 14th Saturday  Summer Cup” NSWBJJ March 29th Sunday “Triple Bull VII April 26th Sunday  “Sydney Cup” 3 Star May 16th Saturday  “Winter...

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Xmas Party & closing Dates

Merry Christmas to everyone we are will have a sausage Sizzle with a BYO Drinks; optional grapplethon from 11am to 3pm on the Roof 380 Pittwater Rd all invited . The club is Closed Tuesday  23rd December 2014 reopens Tuesday 6th January 2015 . Wishing everyone a safe...

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