Myself ,Nikki and my son Rohan all competing on Sat

The Lange family has 3 of us competing at the Machado gathering . I am very happy and lucky to be able to compete. For me it is a celebration. I started BJJ competitions in 1994 so now to compete in 2014 will be Jiu Jitsu over a 20 year period.  

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Great Wins at Brace for Nicky Bonini & Natalie G. Hills

I would like to thank the whole Lange's MMA team. Firstly I would like to thank my wife, who did the filming and is there for all the guys and gals "quietly" helping in the background. But seriously thanks to Chad, Nick and Sonny for their excellent cornering work!...

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Regan headlines at Brace this Weekend

Regan Headlines this card- Langes MMA also has Will Swann, Nat Hills and Nicky Bonini all fighting on this one card. Good luck guys- I'm am very please at the huge effort you guy put into your prep. Go Regan and go team this will be a big weekend. no sparring class...

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Congrats to all team members you entered Events BJJ .

A great Team effort and Spirit shown. Glad to see a load of new white belts in for there 1st matches. Some results from memory. 2x Gold medals to Jarrod Jenkins in Gi and No Gi. Gold where won also by Rohan Lange, Finlay Quilter, Josh Coventry, Louis Valente, Silver...

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5 new NSW State Champions

The NSW State Champs are Sonny Brown- Purple belt. Jonathan Edginton -blue belt open champ. Kristian Hudson white belt champ. Teen champion Finlay Quilter. Kids Champ Danny Brooker. Silvers won by Karl King, Neil Pattinson. Bronze Rohan Lange and Braden Woods....

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Balgowlah Kickboxing Sparring day a great display

Balgowlah Kickboxing Sparring day showed a great display from the Langes MMA guys. Chad, Billy and I were there cornering the guys.  Oliver Palin nearly lost because of nearly KO'ing his guy (You are not allowed to knock someone out in a match on a sparring day). The...

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Sparring Day Saturday 1pm Good Luck to

Sparring Day Saturday 1pm At  Nick Stone's gym $10 entry . 4 Hayes st Balgowlah Good Luck to the fighters  Jean – Claude Sicart, Maxim Cherpovitsyn,Erik Murray, Adam Murry,Oliver Palin, Tom Pinson, James Strugnell

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State Titles late June- 3 star Sydney Cup 13 July – Comps

-Saturday: kids, white and blue No Gi and purple, brown and black Gi -Sunday: white and blue Gi. Purple, Brown and No Gi. For online entries and more info, go to:  NSW State championship on the 28th and...

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