The LangesMMA fighters in Qld

Go Rob Hill and Sonny Brown. both made weight and ready to fight. Will Swann was ready to fight but his opponent dropped out last minute.   Fight well guys

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Awesome Results at the Sydney Cup Comp 19 Gold Medals

Great work for the Langes Jiu Jitsu Team. 40 people from our clubs entered and we return with 19 Golds,10 silvers, and 9 bronze . The team displayed some tremendous Jiu Jitsu skills win or lose. 1st place medals went to these people -Rohan Lange,Chris...

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Was on the Monday night 7 news

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Cage Conquest .Saturday night

Regan Wilson ,Luke Birch,Will Swann,Adam Ellenor and Jacob Stuka are weighting tonight and Fighting at Cage Conquest in Nowra Saturday night. Go Team!

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Be ready for these comps in 2013

Events Jiu-Jitsu comps for the year 2013. Are all held at Ryde Aquatic Centre. Events Sydney Cup 21st April . The Ryde Cup 14th July, Oceanic Titles 22nd Sept. All comp are Gi and No Gi.

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Lightweight sparring at Artarmon gym 25th Jan

65 Dickson Ave in Artarmon Light weights from 5 clubs at having a sparring day from 6-8pm on 25th January . this will also be held on 22nd Feb, 22nd March,26th April, Only for people in the following divisions  57kg, 62kg , 65kg ,70kg. 1/2 kickboxing ,1/2hr, MMA, 1/2...

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