Great turn out for kids comp

Many thanks to all the parents,students refs and coaches that made such an enjoyable comp. Competition is about putting your self on the line. Doing so you discover your strength and weaknesses in the endeavour to improve yourself. I hope to pass this on to all the...

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Impressive students and many medals at Oceanic titles

The Langes MMA team did very well at the Oceanic Titles in North Ryde. 14 Students medalled at least 7 with 1st place.  All the Students at the clubs I admire as I get to watch as I see their progress in training and dealings with life. There is one student who after...

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Great work a the Events Jui Jitsu comp

The team collected 5 gold,6 silvers and 5 bronze. Congrats to all who entered . Next comp is The Machado Gathering in Melbourne Saturday September 8th. Then the Events back at the same Venue on the 7th Oct. Keep training.

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Great buzz in the Club

Everyone is preparing for competition! Around 30 people are all ready for the Big events Jiu Jitsu comp at Nth Ryde this weekend. Rob Hill is back fighting for Legends in Hong Kong  in August. The Amateur MMA event changed Dates to 26 Aug . We have Matt Crehan, Adam ,...

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